GSB Music Festival- Day 3 Live Blog
FTC Mass Comm Reporters are on the ground at Shorefront Park in Patchogue, LI to bring you all the latest from the Great South Bay Music Festival.
7:45 PM Update
The banner comes down on the Five Towns College Stage on night three of the Great South Bay Music Festival. One more day tomorrow!
7:00 PM Update
FTC Reporter John Maturo catches up with The Almost Brothers Band after their set.
6:21 PM Update
A few FTC students and an alum – who came back to help with our coverage – take a quick break before the last band of the night goes on the Five Towns College stage, Circus Mind.
6:00 PM Update
Even though it’s a hot day, Joe from Long Island Glass, turned up the heat with a sick glass blowing demonstration. Not only can you purchase cool stuff, but you can also learn to blow glass with lessons or private parties.
5:30 PM Update
Many festival performers and attendees are longtime music history buffs. Gwen Sciora, Long Island Music and Entertainment Hall of Fame volunteer, told the FTC Record Online about the museum’s new and permanent home in Stony Brook Village. “We have eight thousand square feet full of rock and roll memorabilia and the first exhibition is all about clubs on Long Island from the 60’s, the 70’s and the 80’s.” Sciora emphasized that the museum is not just for Long Islanders but all music fans.
5:15 PM Update
The Allmost Brothers gather a giant crowd as they perform on the Jambalaya stage. We’re told our college president is in the crowd somewhere, enjoying the show.
FTC students John Maturo and Fernando Gomez are working on a report on the band, and go on stage to get some great footage.

5:00 PM Update
After a long day of reporting, Fabian Savino is now hosting a WFTU Radio block with Sam Pernick. The duo will be interviewing Ernie & The Band after they wrap up their set on the Five Towns College Stage.
The crowd in front of the Five Towns College Stage was jumping for Ernie & The Band. This Long Island based 4-piece band plays modern renditions of classic live acts. Take a listen:
4:30 PM Update
It’s starting to feel like a circus at the Great South Bay Music Festival. A very tall Sheryl Shrover said,”My role is to have people get excited, dance with the crowd, and just look tall for this amazing, big event.” Shrover is certainly fulfilling her role and adding to the festivities.
4:00 PM Update
What’s in a band’s name? Baked Shrimp, who just played on the Voodoo Ranger Main Stage, popped by WFTU Radio for an on-air chat and explained the origins of its name. Founder/Vocalist/Guitarist Jared Cowen humorously explained, “It goes back to my part-time job working at a seafood counter…after deveining 20 pounds of shrimp one day, my friend commented how I smelled.”

Baked Shrimp has a busy summer tour schedule:
3:30 PM Update
Mind Empire just finished up on the Jambalaya Stage. They’re relatively new on the scene, only forming in 2019. Audience members who have seen the trio before describe their music as “fun and progressive.” Their debut self-title album was released in March and is available on all streaming platforms.
Sample Mind Empire for yourself:
3:00 PM Update
Save the Great South Bay is here to encourage Long Islanders to keep the beautiful water backdrop to the festival healthy. “Our goal is to give people education and awareness about the issues happening within the bay, whether be red tide, pollution from fertilizers to just debris,” said Brad Shaw.
Shaw detailed the the different bay cleanup opportunities as well as their Defend Our Creeks initiative. The organization also seeks to bring oysters back to their natural habitat. Save the Great South Bay is raffling off a D’Angelo I custom guitar so come visit the booth for information and a chance to win this beauty.

2:30 PM Update
The first band on the Five Towns College Stage today was Om-En, performing uplifting and original spiritual music as well as popular covers. Singer John Sparling told the crowd how the band seeks to bring awareness to teen suicide prevention. One of the band’s most popular songs is “Forever Came Too Soon,” which tells the personal tale of a young life lost way too early. FTC Reporter Meghan Tinelli will interview the band following their set.
2:00 PM Update
Hey, Great South Bay fans. My name is Fernando Gomez. I’ve been at FTC for three semesters and this is my first time coming to the Great South Bay Music Festival. On Thursday, I had the chance to work with the FTC HS Summer Scholars and on Friday, I was all around the festival getting footage of performances, artists and vendors. Follow me today as we see what Day 3 has in store!

After yesterday’s downpour, a lot of the festival grounds were muddy and hard to walk through. Luckily, festival workers filled in the mud puddles with stones this morning so that everyone’s shoes can stay clean today.
1:30 PM Update
Hello! I’m Sam Pernick. Yesterday, I was back at Five Towns College working the WFTU Radio audio board to make sure all the station listeners could hear our coverage of the Great South Bay Music Festival. Today, I’ll be on the radio from 4 PM- 7 PM and live blogging.

Music students from The Rock Underground in Patchogue, NY are ready to take the Jambalaya Stage. The kids are excited to showcase their talents for the viewing public. The Jambalaya stage will be live from 1:30 PM to 9:00 PM tonight.

1:00 PM Update
It’s Day 3 at Long Island’s premiere summer event, the Great South Bay Music Festival. The weekend is finally here, the weather looks perfect and the boats are starting to pull up to hear the music.

Jeff Kramer here! I’ll be on WFTU Radio from 1 PM- 4 PM with Kyle Martinez plus bringing you blog updates throughout the day with the FTC Reporting team.

Are you ready to rock? Here’s today’s line-up: