
Five Towns College Pays Tribute to Lorraine Kleinman Cohen

FTC Founder Lorraine

Lorraine Kleinman Cohen, B.A., M.S. was no ordinary soul and Five Towns College exists today because of her life’s work and contributions to higher education.

Outwardly, she appeared as a steadfast, intelligent and engaging professional.  Always eager to lend a helping hand, a listening ear, some wise advice or caring and gentle direction.  She was a pillar of strength through the college’s formative years and, later, its growing times.  It was her love of life, education, music, business, and pioneering efforts that inspired the growth of the college.

She was sought out by faculty, staff, and students and did her best to guide, instruct, and assist when called upon.  It is said that the people behind the scenes rarely receive the recognition they deserve.  Lorraine Kleinman Cohen did so much behind the scenes, in front of the curtain and classroom, too.  She is remembered for her sacrifices, hard work, and warm and charismatic way that brought real personality and spirit to the Five Towns College campus.

We are all here today at Five Towns College because of her.  A bright smile, a warm heart, and a clever and witty mind are characteristics of this amazing, beautiful and pioneering woman who helped thousands during her lifetime.

Lorraine Kleinman Cohen left behind a legacy of strength, determination, love of life and education, and fortitude to carry on and live life to its fullest — by getting a college education!!

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