Campus EventsFTC Record

Get the scoop on the Fall Club Fair

FTC Reporters Rebecca Evangelist and Grace Finkebeiner are roving the fair to bring you key info on FTC's clubs and organizations.

2:00 PM

The Fall Club Fair has concluded. SGA President Jeff Kramer was happy with the event, calling it a “mini festival,” and adding, “It’s an amazing way for everyone to pick up fliers and to dip their toes in a little bit of everything so everyone knows what to get involved with in the coming semester.”

If your club was not featured in today’s blog, please contact the FTC Record to schedule an interview.

1:55 PM

The Sports Broadcast Club is in its second year and is popular for students interested in producing sports content. “If you love sports, love basketball, or just want to have a fun time, this is a good opportunity for any student,” said Aaron McLaughlin. Students can learn how to work cameras, create graphics and test their on-air skills to a big audience. “The importance of having the club during basketball season is that some of our players and some of the other team’s players may not be from here, and their families might want to watch the stream of the games.”

Aaron McLaughlin, Sydney Moutain, and James Miller turn on the cameras for the Sports Broadcast Club.

1:50 PM

FTC students are bringing more comedy to campus with the Comedy Sketch Club. Don’t be intimidated if you are not currently studying acting or theatre. “We want to include everybody from different departments such as the film department and the music department. I think it’s just about unity and creating something that all majors can be a part of,” said Sabrina Huncayo.

Make people laugh. Join the Comedy Sketch Club.


1:45 PM

FTC’s creative students have backgrounds in all areas of the arts and music, and everyone’s strengths can come together in the Music Video Club. Lauren Marino said the club is a relaxing and fun break from stressful schoolwork and its mission is about “brining all of the majors together and having a good time.”

1:40 PM

Get down to business with the FTCBC. The club emphasizes the importance of communication skills. “Networking is the key so we try to get everyone involved and get them to meet other people,” said Isabella Green.  Club members can expect seminars that help in different areas of business. “We have events in areas such as real estate, we have entrepreneurship and how to manage your money. It will definitely help you throughout your college career because you know how hard it is to manage money in college,” said AJ Cetzer.

AJ Cetzer and Isabella Green recruit business-minded students.


1:35 PM

Break out your dance shoes and join The Soundwaves.  The club is open to individuals with all levels of experience in dance. “For people who want to do it professionally, they can put it on their resume, which looks very good,” said Amaya Hall, who also highlighted the club’s benefits for those who are not serious dancers. “Just being able to get in touch with your body, being able to feel one, being able to express yourself nonverbally is always very important.”

Amaya Hall brings her tap and ballet shoes.


1:30 PM

Esports is back at FTC.  The team will compete in the ECAC collegiate league and is actively looking for Super Smash Bros. players.

FTC’s new Esports Coach Evan Leider said, “We’re going to bring gamers together on campus. We compete against other colleges and we’re open to all skill levels. We want them to build friendships and have a place for them to go on campus where they have a common interest.”

Game on with FTC Esports.


1:25 PM

Want to be part of the actual sound of Five Towns College? Check out the FTC Sound Stream, which welcomes all students who want to learn about radio and broadcasting. “Radio is inclusive, radio is diverse, and we invite everyone to stop by and say hello to us,” said Professor Jodi Vale.

Professor Doughty told the FTC Record that he is also gaging interest about a new DJ Club. “We have a couple of students who are very passionate about DJ’ing, so we are gathering interest to see if students want to learn the techniques that are involved in DJ’ing.”

New FTC Mass Comm Professors Jodi Vale and Andre Doughty

1:15 PM

If you like relaxing and fun games, join the Downbeat Games club.  “We’re representing any games you can play in the Downbeat from air hockey to board games like Monopoly or other card games,” said Tryston Bellon.  The club meets on Wednesdays at 3:30pm.

1:05 PM

Get involved with the Student Government Association (SGA). The organization is dedicated to helping students who have question about the campus community.  SGA President Jeff Kramer told The FTC Record that the student governing body “welcomes all suggestions.”  The first open meeting is on October 3rd in the Downbeat during Common Hour. All students are welcome to attend.

Evie Petracca and Jeff Kramer hand out SGA buttons.

12:50 PM

The crowds are filling up in the Upbeat for the 2023 Fall Club Fair. There are sixteen tables for students to learn about the various clubs and campus organizations.  “This year we have nine new clubs coming. It is really cool to see everyone come together, learn about the clubs, and just have a space where they can connect with each other,” said SGA VP of Clubs and Events Daniel Garcia.

An ice cream bar is set up and each club’s table has a unique dessert topping for students to select. Campus Activities Coordinator Natalie Allouche told students to “get the scoop on your favorite club and organization.”

Choose your club and choose your ice cream in the Upbeat.

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