
April 23: Exclusive Career Fair for Five Towns College Students

Exclusive Career Fair for Five Towns College Students & Alumni Only!! Be There on April 23rd @ FTC!!

With spring in the air and sunny days upon us, FTC students are starting to think ahead about their summer plans. While some students probably have jobs lined up, others may be graduating, and still deciding what to do.

What better way to meet potential employers and network than to attend an exclusive Career Fair right here on campus for FTC students and alumni only?

The FTC Career Fair will be held in the Gymnasium on April 23rd from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. It will be an ideal opportunity for all those seeking employment, internships, freelance opportunities, volunteer opportunities or who are just undecided about the summer to canvass the job market and to show employers how amazingly talented the students and graduates @ FTC are.

There are expected to be over 35 different businesses, including entertainment companies, studios, production companies, theatres and performing arts venues, independent music labels, radio stations, major businesses in pro audio/instrumental gear and even summer camps needing counselors who are specialists in the arts. This is going to be an incredible opportunity for FTC students!

FTC students bring at least 20 copies of their resumes and dress in professional attire since the opportunity to impress a potential employer is something to take seriously. Also, students should visit the Career Center before hand to research some of the companies attending, and be prepared for an engaging and exciting day. All students from freshmen to senior are urged to attend. Whether you are looking for a job or just want to discover what a career fair is all about are reasons to come.

So, be sure to stop by, introduce yourself to these interested business representatives, and get started honing your networking skills. There is a range of companies expected to be on campus then; but if any others are interested in participating, please contact Krysti O’Rourke at krysti.orourke@ftc.edu.

Looking forward to seeing everyone @ the Fair!

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